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Übers Aufräumen

Thomas Haemmerli on April 18th, 2007 at 02:23 PM

Dieser Text erschien in einer Beilage der Wiener Zeitung Der Standard

Erkenntnisse aus meiner Nachttischschublade

1. Es war mir immer ein Rätsel, wie es Journalisten geben kann, die über eine leere, aufgeräumte Schreibtischplatte verfügen. Wohin mit den Ausstellungseinladungen? Den Bildbänden, den CDs, die tagtäglich angespült werden? Aus denen ein Artikel werden könnte! Die eine Gelegenheit bergen, mit lieben Kollegen gratis zu bechern. …read the full article: »Übers Aufräumen«

Von Mutters Untenrum

Thomas Haemmerli on April 4th, 2007 at 12:05 PM

In der Reihe “Sie fragen schonunglos: Wir antworten fadengerade” erreicht uns via das Magazin Facts, im Journalistenlingo “Faxen-Magazin” genannt, eine Frage von Kritikerin Marianne Fehr:

Etwas zu viel auch an Intimität, die Haemmerli von der Verblichenen preisgibt: Wer muss schon wissen, von welchen Geschlechtskrankheiten sie heimgesucht wurde.

Genau, warum gibt man schmutzige Ehedetails der Eltern preis? Und wer muss das wissen? …read the full article: »Von Mutters Untenrum«

Director’s Statement

Thomas Haemmerli on March 1st, 2007 at 02:21 AM

Thomas HaemmerliI was preparing a big party for my fortieth birthday when I got the news of my mother’s death. We hadn’t been in close touch in recent years, and when I saw her apartment I was shocked. It was utter chaos. Because her corpse had been lying on the heated floor, the stench of putrefaction filled the air. During my very first visit to the apartment, I had already begun to use my camera. …read the full article: »Director’s Statement«

Producer’s Statement

Mirjam von Arx on March 1st, 2007 at 02:16 AM

Mirjam von ArxThomas Haemmerli always had his camera on him, back in 1994 when we first met as reporters for Swiss TV’s newsmagazine »10 vor 10«. Whenever a discussion, an image or a scene caught his interest, he would pull the camera out of his pocket. On March 8, 2004, when he received the ominous phone call from Zurich’s criminal police department which launched one of the most harrowing weeks of his life, Haemmerli reacted the same way. He took out his camera and started shooting. …read the full article: »Producer’s Statement«

The Messie Syndrome

Thomas Haemmerli on March 1st, 2007 at 02:12 AM

Who or what is a “messie”?
The word »messie« comes from »mess«. Messies accumulate piles of papers and other objects in their homes, so that the space becomes nearly uninhabitable. This behaviour resembles addiction, and those affected often realize they are behaving irrationally. Objects are kept because they might come in handy some time, or because they are associated with memories which make it impossible to throw them away. Messies are often unable to allow visitors into their homes and as a result become increasingly isolated. Many messies hold on to the illusion of sorting through their piles and creating a well-organized archive. …read the full article: »The Messie Syndrome«

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